About the Journal

Advances in Adult and Development Education is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal focusing on current and pertinent issues in adult and development education. The journal’s mission is to provide inter, multi, and trans-disciplinary platform for impassioned discussions on various debates in adult and development education theory, research and practice on the African continent.

Further, the journal explores the often interrelated fields of adult and development education from an African perspective with the aim to fostering decoloniality in the theory and practice of adult and development education. The journal therefore welcomes papers that contribute to scholarly and intellectual debates on place of adult and development education in the development trajectories in Africa.

The Journal is published by the Society for Adult and Development Educators in Africa (SADEA) in partnership with the Department of Adult Education and Human Resource Studies, University of Ghana. 

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): COVID-19: Opportunities and Challenges for Adult and Development Education. Edited by Ellen Abakah, PhD and Delali Amuzu, PhD
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